Status Alive
Full Name Avaniya Valek
Aliases Niya, Ava, Possum
Biographical Information
Age 29
Pronouns She/Her
Nationality Czech Republic
Employment Information
Business Name


  • Secretary

Group Information
Relationship Information
Notable Relationships

Avaniya “Niya” Valek

Avaniya was born under the surname of Volkova. In a remote town just outside of Prague, called Ostrava, Avaniya was raised with her two brothers and a sister whom she had barely any relationship with. Sadly, Avaniya’s parents were not very present in her life from an early age. Her father was a member of a crime family and her mother was a prostitute and drug addict. With her father and mother gone most days and nights, Niya and her siblings learned how to take care of themselves. That included but wasn’t limited to petty crimes to feed themselves and their siblings.

Avaniya’s parents were in and out of prison all their lives and serve as a catalyst toward her future in a crime syndicate known as the , more recently recognized as an off-shoot of the . Over time, working her way up through a decade and a half under her Uncle’s reign, Avaniya made it to what would be considered a Middling rank. This is where she met her would-be husband, Marek. While typically don’t associate with any form of ex-military or police, recognizes the potential of using them for soldiers, and with Marek having been discharged due to being diagnosed with Schizophrenia, they took the chance.

After a long while, having grown closer, Marek and Niya eventually were paired together with the approval of her uncle and his associates. Marriage within wasn’t allowed in terms of protocol so she simply legally changed her name. Generally speaking they were hardly ever seen apart anyway, and with the man’s schizophrenic tendencies to outburst without her present, it wasn’t frowned upon.

Now, with little business left uncovered in the Eastern Block region they called home, her uncle sends the pair to find and establish business in Polar.

Avaniya is a reserved and generally quiet person when in company she doesn’t know or feel comfortable with just yet. She tends to tuck herself into the corner of the room and simply observe. When she’s opened up and feels she can integrate with the specific company, she will become very outspoken, and often bordering boorish, hypersexual in humor.

Avaniya is a steadfast and loyal friend to those she has deemed as appropriate to attach to, but can come across as distant and cold to those she has determined as a threat or not worth her time and effort. Avaniya has a tendency to attach to people she trusts, and is more than willing to protect them with her life, or others’ lives if possible. She is not afraid to get her hands dirty, by any means, and does not shy away from conflict. Most would say that she relishes in it, actually.

Avaniya is described by her friends as someone who is able to keep her cool during otherwise stressful situations and tends to want to deescalate rather than risk unneeded casualties. While she relishes in conflict, she is good at choosing her battles, and knowing when the price for triumph is too high. She has a high maternal instinct and often can treat her friends as if they’re her own children. She is protective and guiding in times of need, though not many would say she is overbearing.

  • Last modified: 2024/10/31 00:47
  • by kimchi