Submit all information you would like added to the wiki to KiMCHiMAEK(KiMCHi on the Polar Discord Server). Information will be displayed as is with the exception of formatting which Kimchi will handle. When submitting information for the wiki. Information must be first-hand and factual. Things such as relationships or perceived relationships can also be included but you'll want to make sure you annotate it correctly. Factual information. Please check out some of the pages submitted already to see types of other information for different categories. If you'd like to try your hand at formatting, feel free to follow the guide after the template:

Character Information Submission Template

Character Name:

  • Full Name
  • Aliases/Nicknames (if any)
  • Age
  • Nationality


  • Preferred pronouns


  • Alive/Deceased/Unknown


  • Current job(s)
  • Notable previous occupations (if applicable)


  • Brief background
    • key events
    • upbringing
    • location details
  • Skills and talents (relevant to character's profession or history)

Key Relationships:

  • Notable connections
  • family
  • close friendships
  • alliances

Recent Events/Updates:

  • Any significant events the character has recently experienced (chronologically listed)


  • Gangs, organizations, groups they are a part of (with relevant dates if possible)

Infobox Code

The infobox is the panel that floats to the right(see right for example) of an article. Make sure to keep everything the same in order to maintain a clean unified appearance across the wiki.

Status Alive
Full Name Kimothy Arthur Lee
Aliases Kimothyuuuhh, Bob, Dragon
Biographical Information
Age 25
Pronouns He/Him
Nationality South Korean
Employment Information
Business Name


  • Manager
  • Mechanic
  • Bodyguard

Group Information
Relationship Information
Notable Relationships
Roleplayer Information
Played by KiMCHiMAEK
Alternate Characters
<WRAP infobox right round box 33%>
<WRAP center round box 100%>
<image shape="rounded">
{{ :kimothy_profile.png?nolink |}}
| Status | <label type="success">Alive</label> |
| Full Name | Kimothy Arthur Lee |
| Aliases | Kimothyuuuhh, Bob, Dragon |
| Biographical Information ||
| Age | 25 |
| Pronouns | He/Him |
| Nationality | South Korean |
| Employment Information ||
| Business Name | <WRAP><TEXT align="left">
  * [[bahama_mamas|Bahama Mamas]] (Manager)
  * [[:dudley's body shop|Dudley's Body Shop]] (Mechanic)
| Occupation | <WRAP><TEXT align="left">
  * Manager
  * Mechanic
  * Bodyguard
</TEXT></WRAP> |
| Group Information ||
| Affiliation | <WRAP><TEXT align="left">
  * [[:k-squad|K-Squad]]
  * [[Brotherhood of Bobs|Brotherhood of Bobs]]
  * [[Hanwa Syndicate|Hanwa Syndicate]]
| Relationship Information ||
| Notable Relationships |  <WRAP><TEXT align="left">
  * [[:krystal_bidet|Krystal Bidet]]
  * [[:klay_manfringensen|Klay Manfringensen]]
  * [[:wyatt_lee|Wyatt Lee]]
</TEXT></WRAP> |
| Roleplayer Information ||
| Played by | [[tw>KiMCHiMAEK]] |
| Alternate Characters | <WRAP><TEXT align="left">
  * [[:wyatt_lee|Wyatt Lee]]
  * [[:Reginald Ashton|Reginald Ashton]]
  * [[:Marvin Halloway|Marvin Halloway]]
  * [[:Donathon Dark|Donathon Dark]]

Paragraph Formatting

Formatting for a paragraph. Take note: Character or Subject's name surrounded by 5 equal signs “======”. Paragraph sections have a header surrounded by 4 equal signs “====”. Then it is just normal formatting for the rest! You can see how things are linked to other articles below if you would like to do that. The double brackets. Separate sections with four dashes “—-”. Most information can be formatted anyway so if you don't know how to do it, just ping me.

====== Kimothy Lee ======

==== Background ====

Kimothy Lee’s life was shaped by early trauma. At the age of 7, he was taken from his mother, a face he now barely remembers. By age 9, he was trafficked and purchased by [[:krystal_bidet|Krystal Bidet]]’s father to act as a surrogate son. Raised within the powerful Bidet family’s criminal empire, Kimothy received homeschooling in basic academic subjects and the darker arts of criminal enterprise: espionage, assassination, and subterfuge.

He persuaded Krystal’s father to also acquire his younger cousin, [[:wyatt_lee|Wyatt Lee]], though Wyatt was placed with a different family close to the Bidets. Kimothy’s upbringing within the family honed his loyalty and sharp instincts, making him a vital part of their operations.

After moving to Polar City with Krystal, Kimothy developed practical skills in auto mechanics and he serves as the manager of [[bahama_mamas|Bahama Mamas]], the nightclub owned by Krystal, while also continuing his roles as her bodyguard. His diverse skills and deep commitment make him a crucial figure in the K-Squad’s day-to-day affairs.


==== Personality ====

Kimothy is reserved, dark-humored, and methodical. He keeps his emotions tightly controlled, allowing his dark sense of humor to guide difficult conversations. His loyalty to Krystal and the Bidet family is absolute—he will do whatever it takes to protect the family and ensure their success.

Despite his upbringing, Kimothy is selective about his criminal activities, carefully navigating around more dangerous ventures like human trafficking. He prefers staying out of the spotlight, letting Krystal take center stage while he works behind the scenes to safeguard the family.

==== Kimothy's Mission to Take Down the Hanwa Crime Syndicate ====
Kimothy’s mission is to dismantle the Hanwa Syndicate, a powerful criminal organization that has been tracking his movements and indirectly threatening his family. His goal is to eliminate their leader, Seung-Jae Han, and disrupt their operations. To achieve this, Kimothy plans to carry out a series of covert strikes, sabotaging Hanwa’s communication networks, destroying their supply lines, and sowing distrust among their key members. By gradually weakening the syndicate, Kimothy aims to lure Seung-Jae Han into a final confrontation, where he will take down the leader and ensure the complete annihilation of the organization. Throughout the mission, Kimothy must rely on his skills in espionage, sabotage, and personal combat, carefully balancing stealth and direct action to avoid being detected until the moment is right.
=== Day 1: Surveillance Setup ===
**Objective:** Set up a surveillance system around Hanwa's key locations in a South Korean metropolis without detection. Kimothy needs to cover all entry points and make sure he’s gathering intel on Hanwa’s movements.
**Outcome:** **Neutral Outcome** (Rolls: 2, 19)\\
Kimothy was able to set up most of the surveillance points without drawing attention, but some key areas were left unchecked due to time constraints. Hanwa is unaware of his presence, but the continuous movement and physical strain have started to wear him down, leaving him feeling fatigued but uninjured. **(Points: 0)**
=== Day 2: Identifying Key Operatives ===
**Objective:** Identify Hanwa’s top operatives using the gathered surveillance data. Kimothy must locate critical players in the organization to begin dismantling their operations.
**Outcome:** **Minor Failure** (Rolls: 4, 5)\\
While tracking potential operatives, Kimothy misstepped and tripped over debris in a narrow alley, twisting his knee in the process. Though he managed to avoid detection and escape, his knee injury left him limping for the remainder of the mission. Additionally, minor cuts from sharp edges added to his discomfort. **(Points: -0.5)**
=== Day 3: Sabotaging Hanwa's Communications ===
**Objective:** Sabotage the communication channels of Hanwa’s operations. Kimothy’s task is to disrupt their ability to coordinate without raising suspicions about his interference.
**Outcome:** **Neutral Outcome** (Rolls: 8, 5)\\
Kimothy successfully sabotaged key communication lines without being spotted. However, the mental and physical exertion started to catch up to him. While no direct injuries were sustained, the strain from constant action is beginning to affect his stamina. **(Points: 0)**


(Business Logo)

Property Information
Location(address if you have it), Polar City
Owner(s)Owner Name
Affiliation(s)If Any, Otherwise Mark as Non
Business Specific Information
Signature Food/DrinkIf Applicable, can be removed later.
Special Offerings

  • If applicable, can be a bullet list



Former Employees

<WRAP infobox right round box 33%> <WRAP center round box 100%>
{{ :infobox_image_template.png?nolink |}} (Business Logo)
|Status|<label type="success">Open</label>|
|Property Information||
|Location|(address if you have it), Polar City|
|Owner(s)|[[Owner Name]]|
|Affiliation(s)|[[If Any, Otherwise Mark as Non]]|
|Business Specific Information||
|Signature Food/Drink|If Applicable, can be removed later.|
|Special Offerings|<WRAP><TEXT align="left">
  * If applicable, can be a bullet list
|Management|<WRAP><TEXT align="left">
  * [[Name]] (Position)
  * [[Name]] (Position)
|Employees|<WRAP><TEXT align="left">
  * [[Name]] (Position)
  * [[Name]] (Position)
|Former Employees|<WRAP><TEXT align="left">
  * [[Name]] (Position)

Article Template

====== Business Name ======

About the business.


==== Signature Features ====
  * **Item**: Description 
  * **Item**: Description


==== Current Employees ====
  * **Name** - Position and Duties
  * **Name** - Position and Duties
  * **Name** - Position and Duties
  * **Name** - Position and Duties

==== Former Employees ===
  * **Name** - Position and Duties


==== Menu ====
<WRAP centered group>
<WRAP 30% column>
| Food ||
| Item | Price |
| Item | Price |
| Item | Price |
| Item | Price |
<WRAP 30% column>
| Drinks ||
| Item | Price |
| Item | Price |
| Item | Price |
| Item | Price |
<WRAP 30% column>
| Etc ||
| Item | Price |
| Item | Price |
| Item | Price |
| Item | Price |


==== Events ====
   * **Event** - Description of Event
   * **Event** - Description of Event


  • Last modified: 2024/10/27 00:56
  • by kimchi